Icon Media Productions Inc (IMPI) - Stories about hope - Des récits inspirants

Icon Media imagines, produces, directs, writes and edits media for digital platforms.

Icon Média imagine, produit, réalise, écrit et effectue le montage pour toutes formes de médias numériques.


Souvent, la vie est beaucoup plus intéressante que nous puissions imaginer. Il suffit de regarder et d'écouter à l'aide de nouvelles croyances.

Often life is a lot more interesting than what we imagine. We just need to look and listen with new beliefs.


Produce - Produire

We move and shape images and words. They come from the sea, critters, people with ideas about to live well together.

Nous formons et façonnons images et mots au rythme des gens, des idées, des vagues et des créatures sur une toile de fond de mieux vivre-ensemble.

Livrer - Deliver

Nous les présentons à de nouveaux amis. Puis nous les libérons afin de respirer une nouvelle histoire.

We introduce them to new friends. And then set them free to breath a new story.

Paul Lang is a Principal of Icon Media Production Inc.(IMPI) Lang produces, directs, edits and writes award-winning, innovative, documentaries. Mindful of the challenges to live with conscious respect for all life, he specializes in imaginagive projects that are anchored in social justice and explore joyful and sustainable ways to live.

Paul Lang est le directeur de Icon Média Production Inc. (IMPI). Lang produit, réalise, effectue les montages et écrit des documentaires innovateurs qui lui ont valu plusieurs prix. Conscient des défis relativement au respect intentionnel de toutes les facettes de la vie, il a développé une expertise pour les projets explorant des façons durables et novatrices de vivre-ensemble et de vivre avec la nature.

Lang has directed television productions that randge from large-scale natural history international co-productions such as Durrell in Russia, a thirteen-part series about wildlife protection (13x30, CBC, CHANNEL FOUR, Radio-Canada, TVOntario.), to more intimate investigative reporting on former psychiatric patients for CBC's leading investigative journalism program 'the fifth estate. (Winner: Best Achievement Award, Canadian Mental Health Association). Lang has produced and directed filming in Russia, Vietnam, Argentina, France, England, Thailand, Mexico, India, across the U.S. and Canada for primetime viewing on CBC, CTV, NFB, BBC, Channel Four, PBS, TVOntario, Discovery and Radio-Canada. He has won national and international awards as an editor, writer, producer and director. Lang has also produced a web-based series, Nairobi Urban Food Security, and two series for Paris-based UNESCO: Education for Sustainable Development and Teachers Matter, along with a series of videos on Regenerating our languages for Treaty 4 Education Alliance. More recently, he has directed and edited directed numerous videos for the Education and Early Childhood Education Ministry of New Brunswick. These include a series on Inclusion and an on-going series to help leaders of education and teachers (settlers) better understand Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Report.

Hélène Devarennes, Ph.D. est une associée d’Icon Media Productions et elle apporte une expertise novatrice dans plusieurs domaines comme la réalisation et production de vidéos, la recherche académique, l’éducation, le développement de relations avec les Premières Nations, la pédagogie. Elle détient un doctorat de l’Université du Nouveau-Brunswick. Elle est convaincue qu’il faut repenser l’éducation de façon novatrice, afin d’inspirer les gens à contribuer de façon collective au développement de communautés plus respectueuses et épanouies. Elle pense que pour y arriver, il faut construire sur la fondation des voix et des récits des gens avec qui on partage le territoire. En tant que réalisatrice et coordinatrice-réalisatrice d’ Icon Media video productions, elle a mené plusieurs séries de vidéos pour le Ministère de l’Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance du Nouveau-Brunswick. Ces séries explorent des thèmes comme l’inclusion et la compréhension des Appels à l’action du rapport Vérité et réconciliation. Elle est aussi une auteure jeunesse primée. En 2019, Hélène Devarennes recevait le prix d’alphabétisation Dr. Marilyn Trenholme, catégorie auteure publiée.

Hélène Devarennes is a principal of Icon Media Productions and brings innovative expertise from a wide variety of fields such as video production and direction, academic research, pedagogy, early childhood education, developing learning relationships with First Nation communities. She has completed a Ph.D. in education at UNB. She believes that innovative education that inspires people to collectively create more respectful and thriving communities, builds on the voices and stories of others. As Executive Producer and Director of Icon Media video productions she has supervised and directed numerous video series for the Education and Early Childhood Education Ministry of New Brunswick. These include video series on Inclusion and an on-going series to help leaders of education and teachers (settlers) better understand Calls to Action in the Truth and Reconciliation Report. She is also an award-winning author of children's books. In 2019 Hélène Devarennes received the prestigious Dr. Marilyn Trenholme Council Literacy Award in the category of Published Author.

Alliance - Pédagogie & vidéo - Pedagogy & video

Icon Media Productions builds upon decades of expertise and imagination by Paul Lang in media production and Hélène Devarennes in pedagogy to create unique and powerful videos and other media. This combination of strengths yields an authenticity to learning in a dynamic, human context. Icon Media videos have had a profound impact on early childhood educators, teachers and education leaders and society in general. People have stated that, after viewing Icon Media videos, they are moved to bring about necessary changes to create meaningful learning environments in their schools, early childhood centres and in their community. Weaving together pedagogical and media expertise generates professional high-quality content that is both engaging and transformative.

Icon Média s'appuie sur des décennies d’expertise et d’imagination de Paul Lang en médiatique et Hélène Devarennes en pédagogie pour assurer la création de vidéos et autres produits médiatiques puissants et uniques. Cette association d'expertises génère une authenticité à l’apprentissage au coeur d'un contexte dynamique et humain. Les vidéos Icon Média exercent une grande influence auprès des intervenants en petite enfance, du personnel enseignant et les leaders en éducation et de la société en général. Les gens ont indiqué avoir fait les changements nécessaires afin de créer des milieux d'apprentissage plus signifiants, ainsi que des communautés plus inclusives, suite au visionnement des vidéos. Tisser ensemble, le savoir-faire pédagogique et médiatique génère un contenu de grande qualité qui s'avère à la fois stimulant et mobilisateur, appelant aux changements durables.


Nations and peoples are largely the stories they feed themselves. If they tell themselves stories that are lies, they will suffer the future consequences of those lies. If they tell themselves stories that face their own truths, they will free their histories for future flowerings.

Les nations et les peuples sont surtout les récits dont ils se nourrissent. Si ces récits sont des mensonges, ils vont en subir les conséquences. Si ces récits les amènent à regarder leurs vérités en face,  les nations et les peuples libèrent leurs histoires pour faire place à un avenir plus épanoui (traduction libre).

Ben Okri
A Way of Being Free

Other Projects - Autres projets

Indigenous People - Broken Identities Learning our Indigenous history
Garderies Garderies


Urban Farmers of Nairobi - Changing Lives

Farming in a slum? Growing local food is brilliant and obvious idea. You're kidding, right? Nope.

UNESCO - Teachers matter

How do we meet a global gap of 6.8 million teachers? Without them 61 million children of primary age are being denied the right to a primary education.


  • BIOMIMICRY is a profound way for a viewer to invest 90 minutes. They convincingly show the importance (and also the challenge) of changing our world view to be one that focuses on a dialogue with, and adopting the ways of, nature rather than one of domination and control.

    Professor Robert M. Goodman, PhD
    Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Viewers of BIOMIMICRY: LEARNING FROM NATURE will be captivated by an insider's view of exciting current research, dazzled by the infinite possibilities open for exploration, and inspired by the implications that biomimicry has for a healthier world.

    Alexis Karolides, AIA
    Principal, Rocky Mountain Institute
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